Contract Management Assistance

Prismatic keeps efficiency and effectiveness goals front and center in all activities. We provide contract management assistance as well as support managing your contractors in these areas:

  • route efficiencies – greater emphasis on this area, including the provision of routes to the bus companies rather than allowing the bus companies to create their own routes, will likely results in more efficient routes.
  • penalizing contractors for poor performance – most bus contracts include financial penalties for subpar performance. Often the district lacks the resources to document the poor performance and loses out on cost savings. We will bring Prismatic’s extensive skills and technology tools to bear in this area.
  • implementing alternatives to the school bus – alternative such as parent mileage reimbursement and new forms of rideshare transportation are often cheaper, but often districts lack the resources to market and implement those options.
  • invoice review – bus contractors do not always provide accurate invoicing. In its work with several clients, Prismatic has identified many initial invoice errors. Correcting those errors prior to submission to the client provided additional cost savings.
Prismatic can help with contract management assistance and contractors management!